
Hi, I’m an Early Childhood Teacher and I have been working at Possum Place since 2021. On the weekend or in my free time, you’ll find me catching up with friends, camping or travelling!

While at SCU doing my Primary & Early Childhood degree, I found I was drawn towards Early Childhood, enjoying the immense focus it has on the child and their world. What inspires me in this profession is our opportunity to build meaningful and trusting relationships with the children and their families, and through these relationships, create a safe and secure place for the children to learn based on their interests and cater to their varying abilities.

I am passionate about supporting each child in building and gaining the necessary skills to enable them to be confident and respectful. While teaching in this profession, I have learnt and realised just how capable children are. I endeavour to create a safe space that encourages them to demonstrate their capabilities and independence.